- Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles
- Ancient Coin Club of Chicago
- Ancient Numismatic Society of Washington, DC (e-mail)
- Bay Pines Ancient Coin Club (e-mail) (Florida)
- Denver Area World Numismatists (e-mail) (Colorado)
- Massachusetts Ancient Numismatic Association (e-mail)
- Ancient Coin Study Group of St Louis (Missouri)
- San Francisco Ancient Numismatic Society (e-mail)
- Twin Cities Ancient Coin Club (Minneapolis)
- Vancouver Ancient Coin Club (Canada)
- American Numismatic Association
- American Numismatic Society
- Ancient Coin Collector's Guild
- Oriental Numismatic Society
- Royal Numismatic Society
Publications, Books & Literature
- Ancient Coin Auction Catalog Contents (Warren Esty)
- Ancient Numismatics: An International Journal (Open Access)
- Ancient World Mapping Center
- Calciati - Corpus Nummorum Siculorum Compendium
- Catalog of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection (free pdfs)
- British Numismatic Journal Digital Edition
- The Celator - all issues available for free download
- Cohen, Volumes I - VI
- Fitzwilliam Museum, List of Numismatic Auction Catalogues and Fixed Price Lists
- Handbook Of Biblical Numismatics, 45th Anniversary Edition
- Historia Numorum, A Manual of Greek Numismatics
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook (Fordham University)
- Numismatic and Coin Books on Internet Archive
- Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society (JONS) Archive
- Lacus Curtius: Into the Roman World
- The Latin Library
- - A Digital Library of Classical Antiquity
- - Ancient History
- Moushov - Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula
- Newman Numismatic Portal
- Numismatic Bibliomania Society Numismatic Bibliography
- Numismatic Auction Catalogues and Fixed Price Lists (Fitzwilliam Museum)
- Numismatic Chronicle - Index
- OZeAN Online Zeitschrift zur Antiken Numismatik
- The Online Books Page
- Ptolemaic Coinage by Svoronos
- Roman Provincial Coinage Online
- Roman Republican Coin Books
- Royal Numismatic Society Special Publications & Coin Hoards
- Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin 1947-1988
- The California Numismatist
- The Shekel, Journal of the American Israel Numismatic Association
Searchable Databases & Major Collections
-, auction catalog search
- Ashmoleon Museum Heberden Coin Room
- Berlin State Museum
- The British Museum Collection
- Coinage of the Roman Republic Online
-, Auction Catalog search
- Coins of the Bactrian and Indo-Greek Rulers (BIGR) (ANS)
- Corpus Nummorum
- Coryssa - Very useful for searching for older ebay listings
- Fitzwilliam Museum, Coins and Medals
- GCAM, Research Database of the Greek Coinage of Asia Minor
- Hellenistic Royal Coinages (ANS)
- ISEGRIM Project - a data base of coins of Asia Minor
- Museum of Antiquities, University of Saskatchewan
- National Numismatic Collection
- Newman Numismatic Portal
- Nomisma Datasets
- Nummi Digitali - Coin Cabinet of the Archaeological Museum of Palermo
- Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE)
- Portable Antiquities Scheme, UK
- Princeton University Numismatic Collection
- Ptolemaic Coins Online (ANS)
- rNumis - Numismatic Auctions Database (with links to many important catalogs)
- Roman Provincial Coins (RPC)
- Rutgers University - Badian Collection of Roman Republican Coins
- Seleucid Coins Online (ANS)
- Sixbid Coin Archive
- Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum British SNG Project
- The Vatican Coin and Medal Catalogue
- Trier University’s Digital Coin Cabinet
- University of Vienna Digital Coin Cabinet
- Wildwinds, Ancient Coins Database
- Zeno Oriental Coins Database
Listserves, Forums, & Social Media
- Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles on Facebook
- Ancient & Medieval Coins on Facebook
- Ancient Peddler
- Coin Community - Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
- Coin Talk - Ancients
- Coin Forgery Discussion List
- Explorator
- E-sylum - Numismatic Bibliomania Society's Weekly Newsletter
- FORUM - Classical Numismatic Discussion boards
- Moneta-L
- Numis Forums
- Oriental Numismatic Society on Facebook
- Oriental Numismatic Society - North American Region on Facebook
- Parthia-L
- The Latin & Greek Study Groups -
- Vcoins Community
- World of Coins Forums
- OpenNumismat - build your coin collection database
- Measuring Coins - a succinct and useful video from Robert Bracey on how to measure your coins.
Numismatic Auction Platforms & Archives of Sold Coins
- AC Search Engine
- Biddr
- CNG: Research Sold Coins
- Numisbids
- rNumis - Database of Numismatic Auction Catalogs
- Sixbid
- Sixbid Archives
Miscellaneous Ancient Coins
- Ancient Roman and Greek Coins
- Asia Minor Coins
- Doug Smith - Ancient Greek & Roman Coins
- Julian Ticehurst's
- Zeno Oriental Coins Database
- Athenian Owls Through the Ages
- Coin Hoards (ANS)
- Coins of the Bactrian and Indo-Greek Rulers (BIGR) (ANS)
- Calciati - Corpus Nummorum Siculorum Compendium
- Dr. François de Callataÿ on the timeless beauty of Ancient Greek coins. Video Lecture
- The Coins of Iberia, Hispania, Spania
- Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Coins A Bibliography of the Numismatics of the Hellenistic Far East
- Hellenistic Royal Coinages (ANS)
- Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH)
- Levantine Coinages Online (LCO) - database of southern Levant Achaemenid and Hellenistic coins
- Nummi Digitali - Coin Cabinet of the Archaeological Museum of Palermo
- Online Greek Coinage
- Ptolemaic Bronze Coins
- Ptolemaic Numismatics
- Seleukid Empire
- Seleucid Coins Addenda System
- Seleucid Coins Online (ANS)
- Silvere - Database of Die Studies Á Greek Overstrikes
- Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum
- Western Kshatrapas
- Celtic Coin Index Digital official website of the Celtic Coin Index
- Celtic Coin Index Online
- Celtic Coinage of Britain - Van Arsdell
- Celtic Improvisations
- Celtic Potins of Gaul By Marc Breitsprecher
- Getting started with Celtic Coins - useful introduction to Celtic coinage
- The Coins of Iberia, Hispania, Spania
- Iron Age Coins (UK Portable Antiquities Scheme)
- Iron Age Coins in Britain (ABC Online)
- A New Overview of the Parthian Coinage by David Sellwood part iii1, British Association of Numismatic Societies video
- A New Overview of the Parthian Coinage by David Sellwood part iii2, British Association of Numismatic Societies video
- A Political History of Parthia by Neilson C. Debevoise (pdf)
- Arsacid Fire-Altar Coinage
- Parthian Drachm Identifier
- Parthian Empire (Tom Mallon)
- - Parthians and Their Money
- Schatz Collection of Parthian and Elymaean Coins
- Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum
- Online Coins of the Roman Empire (ANS)
- Image-Based Roman Coin Identification (ANS)
- Cohen, Volumes I - VI
- Coinage of the Roman Republic Online (CRRO)
- Coinage of Julius Caesar, Macquarie University
- Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic
- Coins of Iberia, Hispania, Spania
- The Dioscuri Collection
- The Five Good Emperors
- Late Roman Bronzes, AD 364-450
- Liv Yarrow's Blog (Roman Republican)
- Luceria and Canusium Roman Coins
- Museum of Countermarks on Roman Coins
- Portraits of the Romans on Coins
- Portable Antiquities Scheme, Introduction to Roman Coins
- Probus
- Roman Coin Lookup
- Roman Coin Reverses Unique to a Particular Emperor (Warren Esty)
- Roman Imperial Countermarks (Howgego) (pdf available for download)
- Roman Numismatic Gallery
- Roman Provincial Coinage Online
- Roman Republican Bronzes - Rarity Estimates
- Roman Republican Coin Types and their Dating - Timeline Table
- Rutgers University - Badian Collection of Roman Republican Coins
- Severan Denarii, The Barry P. Murphy Collection
- The House of Ptolemy: Roman Egyptian Numismatics
- The Twelve Caesars
- Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins
- Women of the Severan Dynasty
- Handbook Of Biblical Numismatics, 45th Anniversary Edition
- Menorah Coin Project
- The Shekel, Journal of the American Israel Numismatic Association
- American Numismatic Society Lecture "Between Text and Objects: Coinage and the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea" by Shailen Bhandare
- Coins of the Bactrian and Indo-Greek Rulers (BIGR) (ANS)
- CoinIndia
- Coins of India - Paul Stevens
- Coins of Central Asia
- Coins of the Huns and Western Turks in Central Asia and India
- The Coins and History of Asia
- Coins of Sogdiana (Soghd)
- Oriental Numismatic Society Youtube Channel
- Byzantine Bronzes
- Catalog of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection
- Collecting Byzantine Coins by Mike Markowitz (video)
- Introduction to Byzantine Coins, 491-1453 (Warren Esty)
- Ottilia Buerger Collection, Lawrence University
- Steve Album's Checklist of Islamic Coins, 3rd Edition, October 2011
- Arab-Sasanian and Early Islamic Coins
- Coinage of the First Caliphate
- English, French, and Venetian Coins
- Islamic Coins
- Medieval European Coinage by John F. Lhotka
- Umayyad Coins (661-750CE)
- Commodity Prices in Babylon 384 - 61 BC
- Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies Vol 1
- Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies Vol 2
- Ancient Fourrée Coins (Aaron Emigh)
- Coin Forgery Discussion List
- eBay Fake Sellers (Maintained by Warren Esty)
- Fake Ancients forum on Coin Community
- FORUMS's Notorious Fake Sellers List
- How to Measure the Specific Gravity of a Coin
- Imitations of Roman Republican Denarii
- Is My Denarius Real?
- Modern Fakes of Ancient Coins
- Modern Parthian Fakes (French)
- Counterfeits and Forgeries
- Online Liquidators