ACTA ACCLA, March 2011

Fake Oil Lamps

By Ken Baumheckel

Examples of fake first and second century CE oil lamps. Click the images for more detail.

Fake First Century CE Broneer Type XXII Roman Lamp.

Fake first century CE Broneer Type XXII Roman lamp with lion on the discus

This fake lamp imitates a first century CE Broneer Type XXII Roman lamp with a lion springing to the right on the discus.

The dirt is just that - dirt, not a mineralized patina, and it washes off easily.

If we look at this lion more closely, we can see brush bristles under the orange "slip".

Brush bristles under the orange slip covering fake Roman oil lamp.

Brush bristles under the orange slip covering on the back of the lion on the fake Roman oil lamp.

Close-up of red brush bristles under the orange slip on fake Roman oil lamp.

Close-up of red brush bristles under the orange slip on the back of the lion on the fake Roman oil lamp.

Close view of fake oil lamp. A strand consisting of brush bristles hangs from the lion's nose.

Close view of fake oil lamp. A strand consisting of brush bristles hangs from the lion's nose.

The soot on this fake Roman oil lamp is actually just black paint.

The soot on this lamp is actually just black paint.

Fake Second-Third Century CE Syrian/PalestinianLamps.

The following are examples of modern fake Second - Third Century CE Kennedy Type 5 Syrian/Palestinian non-Jewish oil lamps. Compare these to the genuine Kennedy Type 5 oil lamp shown below them.

The fake oil lamp lacks a filling hole but retains a clear visible imprint that shows where the filling hole in the original lamp was.

Fake Second-Third Century CE Chariot Lamp

The original lamp from which this cast fake was made had a filling hole. The cast discus lacks a filling hole but retains a clear visible imprint that shows where the filling hole in the original lamp was.

Kennedy Type 5 Syrian/Palestinian non-Jewish lamp, 2nd-3rd century CE.

Two fake oil lamps with chariot scenes made from the same original.

Pair of Fake Lamps With Chariot Scene

Two fake oil lamps with chariot scenes made from the same original.

The original lamp from which this cast fake was made had a filling hole.

Fake Lamp With Leaf Design

The original lamp from which this cast fake was made had a filling hole. The cast discus lacks a filling hole but retains a clear visible imprint that shows where the filling hole in the original lamp was.

A pair of fake lamps cast from an original with an erotic scene

Pair of Fake Lamps with Erotic Scene

A pair of fake lamps cast from an original with an erotic scene.

Genuine Kennedy Type 5 oil lamp for comparison

Second to third century roman oil lamp

Kennedy Type 5 lamp featuring Diana holding a bow, hound at feet. 2nd to 3rd century CE. QEDEM 8, lamp 353.

ACTA ACCLA edited by Michael J. Connor.