The Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles (ACCLA) was established in 1966 to advance the knowledge and study of ancient numismatics, ancient coins, and their history.

Denarius of Emperor Caligula
ACCLA members include people who are interested in ancient history and numismatics, ancient coin collectors, and some experienced numismatists with an extensive knowledge of the field. ACCLA members have had articles published in journals such as the Celator, and some member's coins have been featured as plate coins in important numismatic publications including David Sear's recent editions of Roman Coins and Their Values.
ACCLA cordially invites all interested in ancient numismatics to attend our monthly meetings every second Sunday of the month at the Skirball Cultural Center where you can watch an educational presentation and meet others who share your interests. The educational programs cover aspects of ancient coinage, but lectures on archeology, ancient history, and ancient cultures are often featured. ACCLA also hosts an informal Ancient Coin Lounge on Zoom every fourth Sunday where you can ask questions, chat about ancient coins and books, share your latest acquisitions, give short presentations, make announcements, or just hang out with other ancient coin enthusiasts.
ACTA ACCLA is ACCLA's online archive of educational articles and information covering ancient coins, numismatics, and history. ACTA ACCLA also includes thematic series such as Coins of the Five Good Emperors, the Twelve Caesars, and the Women of the Severan Dynasty. The archive includes a video seminar on Ancient Coin Collecting for US and World Collectors.

Drachm of Pacoros II, King of Parthia
While you don't have to be a member to attend a meeting, membership is low cost. ACCLA members receive the monthly meetings notice by e-mail.
The ACCLA website features ACTA ACCLA - with articles on ancient coins, art, history and numismatics written by our members, and videos of presentations by ACCLA members, links to other resources and information on Club membership, activities and meetings.
For regular updates, join us on facebook.
If you would like to know more about how ACCLA functions, the ACCLA Bylaws are available online.
Download the membership brochure for more information about joining ACCLA.